Learning Robots recruits its VP Software Development

Learning Robots recruits its VP Software Development

Early April, Guillaume Gautier has joined the Management Team of Learning Robots as VP Software Development for AlphAI.

Graduated from EIGSI La Rochelle in 2017, Guillaume is specialized in Industrial Systems Engineering. In 2018 he obtained a Master of Science in Autonomous Robotics at the Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Since then he was a software developer at Altran, with Python development missions on automation tools and investigation supports.

At Learning Robots, Guillaume is responsible for the development of the “AlphAI” Python software that controls the AI of the robot and display the the algorithmic details into the graphical interface. Guillaume manages the team of engineers who achieves the AI developments (new algorithms, new learning scenarii for the robot), improves the robustness, aesthetics and user-frendliness of the user inteface, and makes sure that the software architecture is high quality: organization and quality of the code, documentation, installer, PHP / MySQL licence server. AlphAI is developed with gamification concepts that allow to position the pedagogic pathways at the heart of the software.

Through his various functions, Guillaume contributes to the development of the company, for instance the achievement of resources (documentation, tutorials) and the animation of workshops that take place within schools and enterprises.

We wish a lot of success to Guillaume at Learning Robots!