Installation instructions for Mac

Method 1 (recommended): use a portable python environment

  1. Download an installation script (right-clic + save as…) :
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. Execute the command: sh ~/Downloads/ (or sh ~/Downloads/ The character ~ can be typed with option + n . This script will download and install AlphAI.
  4. To launch the software, just execute the command: alphai

Method 2 : manually configure a python 3.9 environment

  1. AlphAI is compiled to be used with python 3.9 (ideally python 3.9.13). If you already have a python 3.9 environment, you can use it! Otherwise, you can download python 3.9.13 at In the following instructions, it is assumed that the command python3 is linked to a python 3.9 environment.
  2. Download a version of AlphAI:
  3. Unzip the downloaded folder where you want to install the software.
  4. Open a terminal and move into the newly created folder using, for example, the command: cd AlphAI-
  5. In the terminal window, execute the command: pip3 install -r requirements-mac.txt. This should install the missing python packages required to use AlphAI.
  6. Finally, to launch the software, execute the command: sudo python3 Start_Alphai.pyc, and enter your user password. You will probably need to replace the command python3 with an explicit path to the python interpreter, such as ./python3 or ~/Documents/AlphAI/alphaienv/bin/python3, otherwise the system’s default python interpreter might be used instead of your custom environment.

Installation instructions for Linux

Unfortunately, the first method is not yet available to Linux users, therefore you must set up the python 3.9 environment manually (method 2). When installing python packages, use the file requirements-linux.txt instead of requirements-mac.txt. For versions older than 1.7.12, the file requirements-linux.txt does not exist. In this case, use requirements.txt instead.