Your robot, your licenses, your environment

If you are in the educational sector in France, or if you are located in Spain, Portugal or Hong Kong, please contact our authorized distributors.

Our software

All-robot 2-station license

€ 100.00 EUR

30-position license for all robots

€ 680.00 EUR

License for Thymio robot

€ 60.00 EUR

2-station license for one type of robot

€ 60.00 EUR

30-position license for one type of robot

€ 400.00 EUR

Our Packs

Discovery pack

€ 470.00 EUR

Custom package

€ 0.00 EUR

Duo pack

€ 800.00 EUR

Team Pack

€ 2,335.00 EUR

Class pack

€ 3,410.00 EUR

Our robots and accessories

Additional AlphAI robot

€ 255.00 EUR

Very big race" wooden arena

€ 500.00 EUR

Carrying bag

€ 55.00 EUR

Individual wooden arena

€ 105.00 EUR

Little Race" wooden arena

€ 185.00 EUR

Big Race" wooden arena

€ 420.00 EUR

Find out more about our services

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In the company

Would you like Learning Robots to come and train your employees or partners in AI?
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Educational workshop

Would you like Learning Robots to come and train your schoolchildren or students in AI?
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What our customers think

Discover how other schools and companies have transformed their teaching approach with Learning Robots to demystify and understand artificial intelligence.

Thank you very much, sir, for this practical course, it was really great. The added value is enormous in the part where you see the q-table, to see all that live, the resnet and all that, it 'imprints in the brain it's nickel.

Léonard Gonzalez
M2 student at EFREI engineering school, Reinforcement Learning major

I bought the first AlphAI back in 2022. Since then, they have been a regular element in my teaching about AI. One of the good things about AlphAI is that they are easy for students to get started with. But the great strength is especially the visual representation of a neural network in the software, which makes the understanding of a neural network so much clearer for students.

Mikkel Heise Kofoed
Astra - The National Science Center in Denmark

The Learning Robots solution for introducing AI to our staff has created a great deal of enthusiasm within our group, and we now want to activate the second "Machine Learning training" level so we can scale up.

Head of AI of a French leading luxury brand

The AlphAI solution, supported by the French Ministry of Education's Edu-Up commission, makes the effects of AI programming tangible, in line with the development of educational robotics.

Policy Officer / Seconded National Expert
Digital Education European Commission

I'd like to remind you once again of the quality of the support you give us: if properly implemented, AI teaching will be a real plus for our young people!

Vincent Honorat
High school teacher, Aix-en-Provence

As far as the pedagogical value is concerned, there's no doubt about it: these machines are a fantastic support, and the students have been hyper-responsive with them.

Christophe Maury
Prof. NSI Pont-à-Mousson (FR)

I'm very happy with this hardware and software, which demonstrates the concepts of artificial intelligence in a very simple way. I hope to be able to continue using it for years to come.

Michel Balandier
Professor in Digital Sciences Charleville-Mézières (France)

AlphAI is filling the gap of AI Education. It is our major discovery in the last 7 years!

Albert Wong
President of AiTLE Association of HK I.T. Leaders in Education 資訊科技教育領袖協會

Thanks for this tutorial! It's really more fun to learn this way. We understand better when we manipulate than with mathematical equations, and even then that's how we understand the mathematical components.

Student at EFREI

The AlphAI solution is an excellent tool for introducing middle and high school students to artificial intelligence in a fun and captivating way. Over 2,100 boys and girls were trained at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie in 2024, and over 3,500 in the last two years.

Marc Jamous
Science Communicator at Universcience, France

I find the AlphAI software and Learning Robots a very good solution for familiarizing my students with artificial intelligence. The learning path takes you step by step through the complexities of AI, with very practical, well-documented exercises.

Holger Buchmann
Berufliches Gymnasium, BBS Burgdorf, Germany

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