AlphAI: learning AI the fun way.

Discover a powerful combination of educational software and intelligent robot, designed to make AI accessible, captivating and practical.

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neural networks

What is AlphAI Solution?

La solution AlphAI de Learning Robots associe un logiciel intuitif et un robot interactif pour apprendre l’intelligence artificielle de manière immersive. Elle permet à chaque utilisateur, qu’il soit étudiant, enseignant ou professionnel, de plonger dans le machine learning, de visualiser les algorithmes, et d’expérimenter des scénarios concrets d’apprentissage automatique.

Logiciel AlphAI : Interface graphique intuitive, visualisation des algorithmes de machine learning, modes adaptés du débutant à l’expert.

Robot AlphAI : Équipé de capteurs variés pour des scénarios pédagogiques concrets et interactifs.

Compatibilité multi-robots : AlphAI est aussi compatible avec d’autres robots populaires (Thymio, mBot 1, Spike), pour répondre à tous vos besoins pédagogiques.

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robot class

AlphAI Software: Visualize, Understand and Manipulate AI

AlphAI software is designed to transform complex AI concepts into a visual and interactive experience. Thanks to an intuitive interface, users can manipulate algorithms, explore supervised and reinforcement learning scenarios, and even code in Python for advanced applications.

Progressive learning modes: From initiation to advanced algorithms, AlphAI adapts to all levels.

Algorithm visualization: Follow the workings of neural networks, KNN models and much more in real time.

Python compatibility: offering direct coding options for advanced users.

Turnkey kits with AlphAI robots

The AlphAI robot brings a concrete dimension to AI learning. Compact and equipped with sensors (camera, ultrasonic, infrared), it can perform exciting activities such as line following, obstacle avoidance and much more. Ideal for classroom exercises or corporate team-building workshops.

alphai robot

Compatibility with other robots

AlphAI is not limited to its own robot! Our software is also compatible with popular educational robots such as Thymio, mBot, Spike and many others. AlphAI software extends the functionality of these robots by adding AI, machine learning and visual recognition exercises to enrich the learning experience.

Have you
recognized yourself?


From elementary school to higher education, AlphAI makes artificial intelligence accessible to all. Thanks to a fun, interactive approach, our solutions enable students to experience AI in concrete terms, by manipulating robots and training machine learning models. A progressive immersion that develops curiosity, critical thinking and the digital skills essential for tomorrow's world.

Consulting firms

Support your customers in their digital transformation by training your consultants in the fundamentals of artificial intelligence. Thanks to our interactive workshops, your teams will master the challenges, opportunities and limits of AI, enabling them to effectively advise companies and institutions in their technological transition.

Industrial Groups and Public Sector Companies

Artificial intelligence drives innovation and performance. Our immersive training courses enable your teams to understand and adopt AI technologies to optimize processes, improve decision-making and boost your organization's competitiveness.

Technology companies

Develop your teams' AI expertise with advanced machine learning workshops. Our hands-on, Python-compatible training courses enable your engineers and data scientists to explore machine learning algorithms, test models and optimize their AI applications in real-life conditions.

What our customers think

Discover how other schools and companies have transformed their teaching approach with Learning Robots to demystify and understand artificial intelligence.

Avec Learning Robots, Thuasne accompagne ses équipes dans leur montée en compétences sur l'IA grâce à une approche pratique et accessible.

Valentin Strach
CE0, Apple

Thank you very much, sir, for this practical course, it was really great. The added value is enormous in the part where you see the q-table, to see all that live, the resnet and all that, it 'imprints in the brain it's nickel.

Léonard Gonzalez
CE0, Apple

J’ai acheté le premier AlphAI en 2022. Depuis, il est devenu un élément régulier de mon enseignement sur l’intelligence artificielle. L’un des points positifs d’AlphAI est qu’il est facile pour les étudiants de commencer à l’utiliser. Mais sa grande force réside surtout dans la représentation visuelle d’un réseau de neurones dans le logiciel, ce qui rend la compréhension d’un réseau de neurones beaucoup plus claire pour les étudiants.

Mikkel Heise Kofoed
CE0, Apple

The AlphAI solution, supported by the French Ministry of Education's Edu-Up commission, makes the effects of AI programming tangible, in line with the development of educational robotics.

Policy Officer / Seconded National Expert
CE0, Apple

Je tenais à rappeler une fois de plus la qualité de votre suivi et du soutien que vous nous apportez: l'enseignement de l'IA, s'il est bien mis en place, sera un vrai plus pour nos jeunes !

Vincent Honorat
CE0, Apple

As far as the pedagogical value is concerned, there's no doubt about it: these machines are a fantastic support, and the students have been hyper-responsive with them.

Christophe Maury
CE0, Apple

I'm very happy with this hardware and software, which demonstrates the concepts of artificial intelligence in a very simple way. I hope to be able to continue using it for years to come.

Michel Balandier
CE0, Apple

AlphAI comble le manque en matière d’éducation à l’intelligence artificielle. C’est notre plus grande découverte de ces sept dernières années !

Albert Wong
CE0, Apple

Thanks for this tutorial! It's really more fun to learn this way. We understand better when we manipulate than with mathematical equations, and even then that's how we understand the mathematical components.

CE0, Apple

The AlphAI solution is an excellent tool for introducing middle and high school students to artificial intelligence in a fun and captivating way. Over 2,100 boys and girls were trained at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie in 2024, and over 3,500 in the last two years.

Marc Jamous
CE0, Apple

I find the AlphAI software and Learning Robots a very good solution for familiarizing my students with artificial intelligence. The learning path takes you step by step through the complexities of AI, with very practical, well-documented exercises.

Holger Buchmann
CE0, Apple

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