Unleash your company's potential.

Learning Robots offers unique training courses to get your teams on board, overcome resistance and make AI a real competitive lever.

meetingA photography of Thomas Deneux, Founder or Learning Robots, hosting a conference.students using the robotmaintenance
neural networksneural networks

The challenges of AI in business: between complexity, ethics and adoption

AI offers unique opportunities for businesses, but poses major challenges. Find out how to overcome them to make the most of it.

Limited technical understanding

AI is still perceived as a field reserved for experts, with concepts often considered abstract and difficult to grasp.

Lack of appropriate strategy

Without effective acculturation, integrating AI into business processes becomes complex and poorly optimized.

Ethical challenges

Algorithmic biases, transparency and accountability are crucial issues that few teams fully master.

Resistance to change

Employees can feel disconnected or intimidated by these technological innovations.


Discover our
three workshop formats

At Learning Robots, we make learning AI easy with interactive, tailor-made workshops, making AI accessible, relevant and engaging for your teams.

Our turnkey workshops

Learn the basics of AI.
Introduction & acculturation to AI
Take part in a fun introduction to the basics of deep learning and neural networks, perfect for teams.
Discover the workshop
AI, safety & ethics
Find out how to identify AI biases and get your teams thinking about security and ethical issues.
Discover the workshop
Language models (ChatGPT, Claude, Perplexity)
Explore the latest tools for understanding and exploiting the potential of language models.
Discover the workshop
Price on request
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Our tailor-made workshops

Take your understanding of AI a step further.
Specific challenges for IS teams
Discover the workshop
In-depth sessions
Delve deeper into specific topics to better tailor training to your organization's unique needs.
Price on request
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Our conferences

Inspire your teams with tailor-made solutions.
Customized conferences with Thomas Deneux
Enjoy a captivating talk by an expert in mathematics and computer science to explore AI and its implications.
Strategic approach to AI
Guide your teams towards strategic AI adoption with a conference that goes beyond the basics and targets your company's specific challenges.
Price on request
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Our turnkey workshops

Introduction & acculturation to AI: the first step towards serene AI adoption.

This workshop engages your teams in a playful journey of discovery of AI, through an Autonomous Robot Race. Your employees manipulate and experiment with machine learning concepts, while building team spirit through a dynamic, collaborative experience. Perfect for raising awareness in a fun way while strengthening bonds between colleagues.

- Immersion in a hands-on, collaborative environment.
- Discover the fundamentals of AI in an interactive way.
- Team spirit strengthened around concrete challenges and exercises.


AI, safety & ethics: responsible AI adoption.

AI is transforming the professional world, but it is also raising crucial ethical questions. This workshop offers an in-depth look at algorithmic biases and the impact of AI on decision-making. By becoming aware of these issues, your teams will learn best practices for developing responsible solutions.

- Responsible approach to AI, essential for the professional sector.
- Awareness of biases and detection methods.
- Commitment to ethical and transparent AI.

Language Models Workshop: harnessing the potential of LLMs for your business

In this workshop, your teams explore the applications of large-scale language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, and discover how these tools can revolutionize analytics and information management.

- Practical understanding of language models and their capabilities.
- Exploration of concrete business applications.
- Development of advanced AI skills


Have you
recognized yourself?

Consulting firms

Support your customers' digital transformation by training your consultants in the fundamentals of AI.

Industrial Groups and Public Sector

Make AI acculturation a lever for internal innovation and operational efficiency.

Financial Services and Insurance

Use AI to strengthen your data analysis and risk management skills.

Technology companies :

Opt for advanced machine learning workshops, tailored to your technical teams and Python-compatible.

They've unleashed the potential of AI

Find out how Learning Robots has helped companies and institutions remove barriers, engage their teams and harness artificial intelligence.

Avec Learning Robots, Thuasne accompagne ses équipes dans leur montée en compétences sur l'IA grâce à une approche pratique et accessible.

Valentin Strach
Science Communicatof at Universcience

Thank you very much, sir, for this practical course, it was really great. The added value is enormous in the part where you see the q-table, to see all that live, the resnet and all that, it 'imprints in the brain it's nickel.

Léonard Gonzalez
Science Communicatof at Universcience

J’ai acheté le premier AlphAI en 2022. Depuis, il est devenu un élément régulier de mon enseignement sur l’intelligence artificielle. L’un des points positifs d’AlphAI est qu’il est facile pour les étudiants de commencer à l’utiliser. Mais sa grande force réside surtout dans la représentation visuelle d’un réseau de neurones dans le logiciel, ce qui rend la compréhension d’un réseau de neurones beaucoup plus claire pour les étudiants.

Mikkel Heise Kofoed
Science Communicatof at Universcience

The AlphAI solution, supported by the French Ministry of Education's Edu-Up commission, makes the effects of AI programming tangible, in line with the development of educational robotics.

Policy Officer / Seconded National Expert
Science Communicatof at Universcience

Je tenais à rappeler une fois de plus la qualité de votre suivi et du soutien que vous nous apportez: l'enseignement de l'IA, s'il est bien mis en place, sera un vrai plus pour nos jeunes !

Vincent Honorat
Science Communicatof at Universcience

As far as the pedagogical value is concerned, there's no doubt about it: these machines are a fantastic support, and the students have been hyper-responsive with them.

Christophe Maury
Science Communicatof at Universcience

I'm very happy with this hardware and software, which demonstrates the concepts of artificial intelligence in a very simple way. I hope to be able to continue using it for years to come.

Michel Balandier
Science Communicatof at Universcience

AlphAI comble le manque en matière d’éducation à l’intelligence artificielle. C’est notre plus grande découverte de ces sept dernières années !

Albert Wong
Science Communicatof at Universcience

Thanks for this tutorial! It's really more fun to learn this way. We understand better when we manipulate than with mathematical equations, and even then that's how we understand the mathematical components.

Science Communicatof at Universcience

The AlphAI solution is an excellent tool for introducing middle and high school students to artificial intelligence in a fun and captivating way. Over 2,100 boys and girls were trained at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie in 2024, and over 3,500 in the last two years.

Marc Jamous
Science Communicatof at Universcience

I find the AlphAI software and Learning Robots a very good solution for familiarizing my students with artificial intelligence. The learning path takes you step by step through the complexities of AI, with very practical, well-documented exercises.

Holger Buchmann
Science Communicatof at Universcience

Dive into AI with our in-depth resources.

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